File No. 226 Fuyusaka’s Student ID 冬坂の生徒手帳
Student ID for Sakura High School. Iori Fuyusaka dropped this on her way to school when she bumped into Ei Sekigahara.
記憶を失った関ヶ原が自身のポケットから見つけた生徒手帳で、持ち主は咲良高等学校の”1年B組 冬坂五百里”だと分かる。関ヶ原は冬坂の顔に見覚えがありつつも、自身との関係までは思い出せなかった。
After Sekigahara lost his memories, he finds this student ID in his pocket and realizes that it belongs to “Class 1-B, Iori Fuyusaka” of Sakura High School. Although Sekigahara recognizes Fuyusaka’s face, he can’t remember how he knows her.